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Thursday 19 February 2015

CodeCanyon JS Hangman Lead Generation With Games 10421229

CodeCanyon JS Hangman Lead Generation with Games 10421229

CodeCanyon JS Hangman Lead Generation with Games 10421229
JavaScript \ Miscellaneous
Mobile \ Responsive \ Generation \ Lead \ Game \ Hangman \ Customisation

JavaScript - JS Hangman Lead Generation with Games 10421229 by fyrebox @ CodeCanyon

JavaScript \ Miscellaneous

Last Update: 16 February 15; High Resolution: No; Compatible Browsers: IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome; Files Included: JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS.

JS Hangman – Leads Generation with Games makes it easy to create a custom hangman game in Javascript to capture leads on your website. Each player will have up to 10 tries to find each sentence of the game or be hung! You can collect the contact information of the players, whether they win or lose, redirect them to any URL address, or display a retry button.

Customisation is done really easily through our Hangman Generator . It lets you create a Hangman Game in minutes by just using an interactive form. You just need to enter a few fields, flip some switches you are good to go!

What you can customise.

- Instructions (up to 200 characters)

- Hidden Sentences (unlimited number of sentences, up to 60 characters each)

- Colors of the background and banner/buttons

- Background Image

- Message when a player wins the game

- Message when a player loses the game

- What information needs to be collected (Email, Name, Address,Phone)

- If a retry button should be displayed

- If a redirect button should be displayed

- Link on your server to post the player’s contact information

The Hangman Game is responsive and will scale down and up. It will scale up to 700px x 400px
As the game is in HTML5/JS, it is playable on any smartphone

Note: Please note that in order to collect email addresses, you need to set up a server and thus have basic knowledge in a server side language like PHP, Ruby, Node.js,.. You also need understand the sentence : “Players contact information will be send through a POST request “ 

Keywords: customisation, game, hangman, lead generation, mobile, responsive.

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